Each vintage is unique Vintages

Each vintage is unique Vintages
“We don’t inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I’m not going to give a list of good and bad years, which may disappoint some people. You must understand that the wine-grower puts their whole heart into obtaining their wines, and they cannot be such harsh judges of their own vintages which, like children, each have their own qualities and faults; they are sometimes the memory of a Summer that was too hot, or a rainy season; sometimes they have a difficult youth or an uncertain future — but the wine-grower will never disown them. Of course, there are some they will be more proud of than others, but those are also the ones that will stay the shortest time on the estate, victims of an impassioned popularity among lovers of great vintages.

That’s why I won’t judge them, but you’ll certainly find this information from the critics, who don’t usually fail to sing the praises of the great vintages, in order to better relegate the more discreet years to oblivion.

You will nonetheless find in this section a description that we make at the end of each wine-growing year.

  • 1995

    Full of finesse, not very tannic

  • 1994

    “The Burgundy vintage”
    12 days of rain out of 13 harvesting days, but the grapes are healthy and the result is astonishingly good!
    Wine with a fresh bouquet of strawberries, spices, with fine texture on the palate and a long finish

  • 1993

    Bad attack of grape caterpillars and harvesting in the rain. Wine with a good tannic structure.

  • 1992

    A damp year. The wine is a little acidic, but holding up well with time

  • 1991

    The year was marked by a frost in Spring and a small harvest. This is a great vintage with good balance. The wine was already very rich when young but is still of interest today!

A few Tasting Notes

A few Tasting Notes